
The Top Blogs for Entrepreneurs and Founders to Follow in 2023

Looking for the best blogs about entrepreneurship and startup life? You came to the right place. Here's a list of the greatest startup blogs to follow.

By Paige Banks

The cool thing about blogs is that you get another human's personal thoughts, experiences and advice on a particular area. Blogs are the modern day journal, but with no lock. As a reader, you get to dive deep into the thoughts and ideas of people you admire about topics you are interested in. 

Entrepreneurship blogs are no different. Following your favorite entrepreneurs on their blogs gives you a chance to stay updated on how they approach everything from running their businesses, doing marketing, making investments and managing their busy lives. 

We've created a list of the best blogs on entrepreneurship, startups, marketing and lifestyle. 

Blogs About How to Fund Your Startup

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Smart Passive Income

SPI has a mission: To elevate entrepreneurs to build purpose-driven and profitable businesses they can be proud of. It provides educational content and training experiences to help you reach your goals.

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AVC by Fred Wilson covers everything imaginable. AR/VR, entrepreneurship, startup truths and Web/Tech is just a few of many categories on the blog.

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Both Sides of the Table

Both Sides of the Table by Mark Suster gives helpful insights into the early stages of startups. The categories on the blog are among others: Entrepreneurship, startup lessons and venture capital.

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Venture Hacks

Venture hacks give you the answers to some of the more basic, simple questions you have when you are a new entrepreneur. For example: "how to pick a co-founder" and "how to write like the great entrepreneurs".

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This blog by Jason Calacanis, internet entrepreneur and angel investor, shares insights into the world of a successful Business Angel. If you want to know how angel investors think and work, this blog is the right place to go.

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The Seraf Compass

This blog is packed with articles, templates, checklists, e-books, and interviews about early-stage startup investment and how to get it. While the blog is actually meant as a resource for investors themselves, it's a great place for founders to learn what's important when raising money. 

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Blog Maverick

You don't have to be a big startup nerd to have heard the name Mark Cuban. The passionate, no-filter serial entrepreneur, investor, TV personality and basket ball team owner uses Blog Maverick to share his knowledge, thoughts, tips and tricks on investment, entrepreneurship and business leadership. 

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The AngelList Blog

The team behind AngelList runs this blog on which you can find a ton of "how-we-made-it" stories about startups, who managed to raise seed funding and grow their businesses through there. If you enjoy the occasional interview-style blog, this one is definitely worth a visit.

Blogs About How to Start a Business

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Young Upstarts

Want to become even better at what you do? Young Upstarts inspires and encourages young entrepreneurs, and celebrate their vision, ideas, products and services.

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At ReadWrite you can get information about everything from startups to fintech. One of their values is to provide professional and relevant information, so you don't waste your time scrolling through endless text

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Think Entrepreneurship

Think Entrepreneurship gives you tips and inspiration if you are a new entrepreneur. Pete Sveen, who runs the blog, shares what he has learned from 14 years in the entrepreneur-influencer-blogger-game.

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The Gust Launch Blog

On this blog the team behind Gust Launch teaches you everything you need to know to start and run your business. No matter if you want to learn how to manage taxes, do your marketing strategy, build customer success or get investment, there's a helpful post for you.

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Women on Business

Women on Business is written by Susan Gunelius, Director of KeySplash Creative Inc. She asks relevant questions to and about women in the business world and gives valuable insights about marketing, copywriting, and branding.

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This is not your regular blog. Instead, Mixergy have structured their resources as an extensive library of inspiring interviews and extensive master class courses on all subjects related to building, growing and running a startup.

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Cloudways Blog

The Cloudways blog has a wide variety of posts for new entrepreneurs about pretty much every topic you can think of, from product development to growth hacking.

Blogs About How to Grow Your Startup

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All Business

All Business covers pretty much everything you need to know to build your startup. Looking for guidance on product design, sales, investment, tech trends, or just general business advice? This blog probably has it.

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Social Triggers

If you are building a marketing business and want to get advice on stuff like getting more costumers, how to negotiate and how to price your products, then you'll definitely love this aesthetically pleasing and accomplished blog.

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Copy Blogger

Need to improve your online presence? Copyblogger is here for you! Here you will find everything you need to know about copywriting, personal branding, how to increase online traffic, and boost online sales.

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Gary Vaynerchuk

Getting marketing advice from Gary feels a lot like getting clever and caring advice from your mother. Spice it up with some of the most common screw-ups that all startups make and you have the recipe for getting better and more confident at the same time.

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Sethโ€™s Blog

Seth Godin is something of a guru in the entrepreneurial world. With 30 years of experience, several successful business ventures, and more than one mention on the Marketing Hall of Fame, he is one of those people you should probably take advice from once in a while. On his blog, he shares his experience and knowledge to help a new generation of innovative minds and brilliant ideas.

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Small Business Trends

Marketing, sales, logistics, product development... No matter what you are looking for information about, Small Business Trends probably has it. If you are in search of an entrepreneurial reference book, this is the place to go.

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Growth Hackers

Growth Hackers is a community-based blog, on which everyone can post useful content to share with fellow growth hackers. All posts submitted are carefully reviewed by the team to make sure everything meets the standard of the site. This community is overflowing with answers to every single marketing and growth-related question you can think of.


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Neuro Marketing

Run by neuro marketing expert, Roger Dooley, this blog shares interesting facts and knowledge about brain and behaviour science. Through his writing, as well as guest posts, the blog aims to help you market and sell your product, your startup and yourself better. 

Blogs About Lifestyle and Personal Growth for Entrepreneurs and Founders

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The Entrepreneur Mind

If you just started your own business and want the world to know about your idea, you should definitely have a look at this blog. Created by professor Dr. Jeff Cornwall, The Entrepreneurial Mind teaches you all about how to grow your startup.

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The Suitcase Entrepreneur

Natalie Sisson is an entrepreneur and adventurer who lives the life many people dream about. The Suitcase Entrepreneur is her blog, where she covers everything from quizzes, advice about financing and how to build a profitable business.

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Under 30 CEO

Under 30 CEO is a business and lifestyle blog for young entrepreneurs. Get inspired by posts about building financial freedom and shaping your personal brand. Learn how to everything there is to know about marketing, read about cyber security, get a check list for inventory management and much more. 

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Lifestyle Entrepreneur Blog

This blog is all about how to build a business that support the life you want - and a life that supports the work you love. Discover your values and internal drivers, learn how to make it as a creative and how to start a profitable business.

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Brainpickings is Maria Popova's this amazingly well-researched blog diving deep into the beautiful stories, big personalities and interesting theories of our time and past. It's not your regular entrepreneur blog, but it's definitely worth a read, if you're into, well, life. In fact, Brainpickings is so popular, Popova was even invited for an interview with Tim Ferriss on his famous podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show. 

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Marie Forleo is an entrepreneur, published author and business coach. Her online training program, B-School, is famous for helping aspiring entrepreneurs build their dream business through effective online marketing strategies. On her blog, she shares thoughts and words of wisdom - said by herself and by thought leaders and experts like Oprah, Richard Branson and many more.